Sundara Kãnda - Hanuman’s Odyssey - Page 104/126

Canto 58 - Odyssey in a Nutshell

Where to start and what to tell

Felt like Buridan’s ass Hanuman.

For their part then all his folk

Sat there tight to catch his words.

As though to help him in script

Addressed Jambavan Hanuman thus:

Tell O Hanuman where and how

Found thee Seetha Rama’s spouse.

Tell us how thou zeroed on

Rama’s spouse in wilderness.

Brief us now of odyssey thine

So that we can plan ourselves.

At the request of his peer

Spoke then Hanuman in loud tone.

Of course thee all bear witness

That I flew off from these shores.

Came across I in mid-seas

Mountain that was made of gold.

Sky high grew it in no time

Blocked it my way all the way.

To the errand on my hand

Saw it as I then hindrance.

Lashed it as I with my tail

Went it crashing down on knees.

Assumed form it then human

And in warmth thus spoke to me:

For my friendship with thy dad

Thou should take me as thy kin.

Am king of mountains Mainaka

Dwell in seas these underneath.

Mountains all in times of yore

Had we wings to circle worlds

Afraid of our crash landing

Complained all to Lord Indra.

Chose as Indra to clip wings

Of the mountains there are all

It’s thy father but who saved

Wings of mine from being clipped.

Bound am I to extend help

To thee now on this errand

With the intent to serve Ram

That he reclaims his lost spouse.

Offered though he me to take

Rest on golden peak of his

Wanting not to waste my time

Wished I none of that for me.

Having grasped my urgency

Pressed he none more Mainaka.

Bid as I him adieu then

Slipped he back then to sea bed.

Resumed then I unhindered

Journey mine that seemed so long.

Came across I then Surasa

Mother of serpents of all seas.

Oh how she made clear her intent

That she would make meal of me!

Not to rub on her wrong side

Pleaded my case with her thus:

Lived with Seetha ’n Lakshman

For long Ram in Dandak woods.

Snared as Ravan fair Seetha

Sent me her man to find out.

For thy being his subject

Dharma it’s thine aid his cause.

As and when I find Seetha

Convey I would to that Ram

And come back to thee forthwith

So that thou me have for meal.

But she would have none of it

And said none can escape her.

Mouth as she hers wide open

Gained I size to thwart her move.

Pulled as she jaws her so wide

To thwart her then I turned tiny.

So to beat the boon she got