Or is thechaatur varnyamHis real will, whether one likes it or not? The answer could be found in the Lord's averments as one reads on. The four types of beings the Lord identifies by their nature and disposition are - the virtuous, the vile, the passionate and the deluded. Isn’t the proposition that people of a given nature and disposition could be bracketed into one single caste so absurd? After all, even a given family provides many shades of human nature in its members, won’t it? That being the case, could Krishna be so naive as not to know about it! Above all, hasn't He declared in s 29 ch.9,
‘None I favour, slight I none
Devout Mine all gain Me true’.
Slokaslikechaatur varnyamthat would be encountered intermittently in theGitaare but mischievous, if not malicious, interpolations meant to buttress the Aryan caste prejudices and thus should be dismissed as such.
Thus spoke the Lord:
Advice this to Sun I gave
Told he Manu
Ikshvaku thus got in turn.
Followed world My word for long
Lost which mankind in due course.
It’s but love I nurse for thee
Made Me reveal this Secret
Wisdom Supreme I gave Sun.
Thus spoke Arjuna:
Born of now, how come Thou
Did Sun advise there for long!
Thus spoke the Lord:
Born all here times umpteen
Aware am I but know not thou.
Beyond the pale of birth ’n death
On My volition I take birth.
Wanes if good ’n vile gain reign
Know it's then that I come forth.
It’s thus I from time to time
Manifest here to uproot ill
And uphold well for public good.
Grasp who this true self of Me
Are bound to become one with Me.
So with who lead poised life
Reining in their base instincts.
Detached Am from what happens
It's this knowledge that frees man.
Men of yore all came to know
That's how one can free himself.
Aspects action, inaction too
Wont to puzzle the wise even.
Apart actions’ rights ’n wrongs
Inaction no less confounds man.
Grasping action, in non-action
Inaction in action, discern wise.
Whoso privy to this truth
Gives up wants all senses seek.
He that content leans on none
Resigned he lives in thick of things.
Mind if keeps thy greed at bay
It’s no sin thou meet thy needs.
One that truly well realized
Happy being with his share
Rids of envy from his mind
Easy he feels ever engaged
Treats he alike grief ’n joy
Wins ’n losses not to speak.