Naturally, therefore, the phrase has been a good deal
discussed. Quite lately Dr. Robertson Nicoll has directed attention
to the phrase, and he has taken it as a text of a remarkable
discourse upon the 'Renascence of Wonder in Religion.' I am tempted
to quote some of his words:-Amongst the Logia recently discovered by the explorers of the Egypt
Fund, there is one of which part was already known to have occurred
in the Gospel according to the Hebrews. It runs as follows:--'Let
not him that seeketh cease from his search until he find, and when
he finds he shall wonder: wondering he shall reach the kingdom, and
when he reaches the kingdom he shall have rest.'...We believe that
Butler was one of the first to share in the Renascence of Wonder,
which was the renascence of religion....Men saw once more the
marvel of the universe and the romance of man's destiny. They
became aware of the spiritual world, of the supernatural, of the
lifelong struggle of the soul, of the power of the unseen.
The words quoted by Dr. Nicoll might very appropriately be used as a
motto for Aylwin and also for its sequel The Coming of
Love: Rhona Boswells Story.