Longing (Masked Emotions: Book 2) - Page 7/9

A BDSM Erotic Romance

The following is taken from Longing (Masked Emotions: Book 2), a BDSM Erotic Romance by V.E. Campudoni. The book in its entirety is available from Amazon: http://amzn.to/1suNNFW

Nadia stood up from her desk, knocking her chair to the floor, and headed straight to Akira's office, shoving past Juno who made a quick U-turn and chased after her. She burst through the door, and he was waiting for her with a bottle of water. "What the hell did I just watch? How the hell is my brother an owner of a multi-million dollar company overnight?" she yelled. "Are you training my brother?" She looked behind her when she heard Juno laugh.

"No, my dear Nadia." Akira placed the bottled water on his desk. "Your brother was in a particular mindset and he didn't care that you were there. As for what you saw, it is not my place to tell you. I believe you should seek out your brother for those answers." He sat back down behind his desk and looked at her, "I can tell you this," he said with a wide smile, "What you saw was the work of a true Master."

Juno spoke coldly, "Ms. Nadia, you are a good Mistress, and with a few more years of experience you may even come close to your brother, but you will never surpass him." She looked over at Nadia. "From what my sister recently told me, he is a very gifted lover as well."

Nadia covered her mouth. "Miko fucked my brother?" she gasped. "I thought she was the good one."

"She is," Juno added, turning red with jealousy.

The door opened and the two of them walked through the lobby, their shoes clanking against the marble flooring, making a series of popping sounds that echoed around them, causing the people to quickly move out of their way. "Ms. Nadia," Juno spoke softly, "Are you going to see Enzio?"

"Of course I am," she spat as they exited the building. "I need to know what the hell is going on in my brother's life."