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Panic struck her as she tried over and over. Frustrated now, she lays her head on the steering wheel almost in tears, trying to calm herself. Calming a little, she turns the key and thank god it starts. Smiling she pulls out of the drive and heads to the closest coffee shop she finds not too far from home.

Sandra pulls into a nearby parking space, gets out, presses her door lock and heads inside. 'Oh no, it’s lined up'. She is going to be late for work but she doesn’t care, she is in need of her coffee. Why she didn’t go through the drive through, she doesn't know. She just wants to sit and relax and drink her coffee and not have to drink it while driving. She couldn’t enjoy it that way.

Finally, after what seemed forever she arrived at the counter and ordered her coffee. After paying for it she looked around to find a seat. It was packed. Spotting one she walked towards it only to have not made it in time, another person, a man, got there before her. Without a second look she turned around to find another seat but no luck. 'What to do now,' she thought. She was desparate, 'maybe I should just ask the guy if she could sit at the table with him since he seemed to be alone.'