Katsugami - Page 13/626

All the while this was going on Shinju had leaped on top of one of the trees farthermost from where the conflict was taking place.

"Nami-neesama is too hasty now we are not any closer to finding Aki-neesama, Okasama what should I do?Maybe I should leave here?What am I saying, there is no way I can find Aki-neesama by myself" as he kept on soliloquizing

Walking to what appeared to be the charred remains of his enemy, bending to look with his guard down he felt a sharp sting on his left leg which on turning to see what it was, for right next to him staring with its beady piercing eyes was the creature he thought to be dead. Moving out of the shadows as her stretched hand wrapped around his neck squeezing it tightly "Did you think you could bring me down, a mere human like you. Don't worry very soon you'll be dead, either I crush your throat or the venom eats away at your vital organ" as she said this Katsuro no Hiroyuki began to cough out blood as the choke-hold she had on his neck was slowly strangulating him.

"Is this going to be my end" as the thought crossed his mind, already his sight was beginning to feel hazy