The Scarred One - Page 1/86

Dawn's POV

"Alex open the damn door!" I shouted while banging the front door to the flat."Geez,just stick your ass out for a few more minutes,i'm almost done." she answered me from inside the house.I stretched the turtle neck thick wool sweater I was wearing higher up my neck and pushed my beanie futher down my head seeing as I was shivering from the cold December weather New York produced.

I wondered what she was doing inside that made her lock me out in this snow.The more I shivered,the more curses I let out.After waiting for what felt like ages,the bitch decided that it's time to let me in the house.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you be so heartless to keep me out here for hours? Look at me now,as frozen as ice.It's even a wonder how I am being able to converse with you right now." I glared at her.

She looked at me thoughtfully and said"mmhmm,i can see the amount of exaggeration in your sentences. If you were frozen as ice, you would be as still as a statue right now." She smirked at me.

Glaring at her once more, i hurried inside to get some warmth.A sweet smell hit me as soon as I got inside.Sniffing the air to find out where the smell was coming from,It lead me to the kitchen and what I saw made me gasp.

"Lexi, what did you do?" I asked,looking at the nicely set dining table.

"It's your birthday stupid, so I decided to cook to celebrate since you dislike birthday parties." She said, walking towards the table and opening up the covered dishes. "I made spaghetti, blueberry muffins and this!" She removed a white linen covering a huge three layered chocolate cake with unlit candles on top.

Grinning widely, I made my way to the table and pulled out a chair and sat down and rubbed my hands together, picked up a plate and stretched it towards Alex using my other hand to motion to her to serve some spaghetti on it. She chuckled and took it from me.

"Make sure it's a heap" I told her,not taking my eyes from the plate of food as she served it. "Yes ma'am" she laughed and dropped the plate in front of me. Licking my lips, I dug in and started eating.

After a few minutes of silence, I asked "Have I told you how much I love you?" with my mouth full. Laughing,she replied "of course,you never fail to shower me with those words whenever you need something from me."