The Scarred One - Page 54/86

"Oh come on, I will hold you tight. It's so much fun just look at them." I looked at them again and saw them still laughing.

"Okay, I guess?" I said. "Yes!" he cheered and took my hand. We skated round and round until he finally lifted me up and soon my feet were dangling in the air while my body was going round in circles.

"You're right, this is so much fun." I laughed.

"I told you so." he said in a childish manner. I laughed in response.

"Okay we should stop now." I told him after a while.


"Harry we're going now." Niall told Harry as he skated over to us. Harry let go of my hand and I gasp as I hit the iron bars surrounding the rink.

"Oh my God!" Alex shrieked, running over to me with Niall and Harry.

"I'm so sorry" Harry apologised while helping me up with Niall. I groaned and yelped in pain when I stood on my feet and fell down again.

"Guys, I think her foot is broken." Alex said, checking my right foot.

"What?! It can't be bro- ow!" I cried, attempted to rise up again but fell down again with a cry of pain.

"Isn't there any medical person around here somewhere?" Niall ask nobody in particular.