The Scarred One - Page 6/86

3. I won't be having sex with him, just the dance and probably a few kisses here and there cause he has a lovely set of sexy heart shaped pink lips. Okay that's is just the tipsy me talking.

"Yeah, I will dance with you. Wait a sec." I finished the remainder of my drink in gulps. " Woah slow down there, babe." He looked at me with wide eyes and snatched the empty glass from me.

"I am capable of handling my alcohol, thank you. I have high alcohol tolerance." I said to him with a slight glare on my face.

"Alright, can we go now?" he asked. "Yeah, let's go." I dragged him to the dance floor and we started dancing. A few hours into the dance, Alex came to me holding a tray of shots in one hand smiling.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I asked her. "I bought these 15 shots to celebrate your birthday." she shouted over the loud music being played and dragged me to the sofas and set the tray on the table and sat beside the blondie from earlier. I sat down and the guy I was dancing with.

"Niall, this is Dawn the birthday girl. Dawn meet Niall." she introduced me to blondie. "Nice meeting you." I said to blondie. "Same here, he smiled.

"It's your birthday today?" asked Curly. I nodded in response. "Who are you?" Alex asked him. "I'm Harry and you're?"

"Alexandria, Alex for short and I'm Dawn's bestfriend." she pointed at me and shook hands with Harry.

"So," she announced, "let's start the drinking party! By the way, it's Patron." After finishing the shots, I was feeling very tipsy and Alex was already drunk and slurring nonsense. I looked at the time on my watch and saw that It was almost two in the morning.

"It's time for us to take our leave." I said to the two guys, and tried to pull Alex away from Niall.

"Are you sure you will be able to drive home?" asked Harry. "Yes I will." I carried a complaining Alex bridal style. "Bye guys." I said to them over my shoulder while leaving and heard them say their byes in return. When I got to the car, I shifted Alex body over my shoulder and searched her purse for her car key. Found it and opened the back door and laid her on top the seat seeing as she's starting to drift off to sleep. I closed the door and got into the driver's side, started the car and drove out of the car park in a tipsy state.