The Road To Home - Page 19/21

The next morning she found the same picture of what looked like the same bridge in the donut shop's floor which had been deposited there through the mail slot. He had to have put it there after the laundry matt closed for the night.

This time on the back was written you went to the wrong town. This time cross the bridge coming from the opposite way then take the first right. Stephanie folded the picture and slid it into her pocket. She didn't know if her bringing it up would cause any stress on her grandmother.

She could tell her that she had to work on her day off and be back home before she would be missed. It was only a three hour drive each way. The only thing is she didn't like lying to her grandmother.

On that Sunday she decided to Check out the other way just in case she wasn't being led on. She fed her grandmother with her famous pumpkin pancakeswith a diabetic syrup then made her lunch and left. Making her lunch she didn't have to lie just letting her assumed she had to work.

She left a note with a copy of the bridge on her granmother's nightstand. She would be there before noon and back before four. A nice country ride on her day off. She needed to find out just who this man was. After turning off of the highway she possibly could make up some time.

She crossed the bridge exactly at 11:45 A.M. on that Saturday morning. She turned her car around and crossed the bridge heading in the right direction then turned right knowing she had to be in the right road now. She continued to drive the mile into that town

As she approached the town something strange she saw spooked her. There was a car just liked hers that had been crashed head on into a big tree beside the rode. Then she saw a girl who was almost an identical twin of hers. When she ran to the girl's side she begged her to get her out of this town. The girl asked her to reach into the car and pull out a big brown envelope with her papers in it.

Stephanie helped the girl into her car and turned around and retrieved the envelope and left. The girl needed medical help but begged Stephanie not to take her to any hospital in this state. Stephanie drove back across the line to the closest clinic she knew would still be open. One of the nurses went to church with Stephanie.

The girl said her name was Samantha and she was sixteen. She told the nurse that she had an older half sister but her kin folks wouldn't let her leave to find her. She wanted to be so much of her big sister's life.