The Road To Home - Page 7/21

She realized instead of being 15 and a half years old the license said 17 and a half. She thought it must have been a typical error but didn't have time to go back. Then she looked at her birth certificate. The date of her birth would make her 17 and a half instead of 15 and a half.

She didn't understand how the state could have goof up on her date of birth. She had other more important things to deal with so she put it out of her mind. Her bosses had a car for sale and Stephanie worked off part of the cost and paid the rest with her baby sitting money.

That left about six hundred dollars still in her possession. She promised herself that she would put the money she spent back into her piggy bank for Christmas gift for her grandmother, She thought about asking her grandmother about the mistake on her birth certificate.

She decided since Little Jamie was coming the next day she needed to get things done before his arrival. She did the supper dishes, swept and mopped the kitchen floor. She did laundry and put them in the right drawer before getting ready for bed.

By then grandma was already asleep. She showered then picked up her dirty clothes and cleaned the shower stall. She sat at her desk and turned on her laptop. She had an email from her mother's counselor at the center. She was due to be released the next month.

Stephanie's mother Marsha was caught outside of the facility after curfew the next night. She claimed that it was hot in her room and she needed some fresh air. The head of the night staff made her do a pee test. She passed the drug test with flying colors.

The second time there was a different night supervisor and her pee test came out positive. the courts added another six months onto her sentence. The center had a drug problem somewhere so the police searched every inch and came out clean.

After that incident every few days unknown by anyone the police came in and search the facility using a drug sniffing dog. Marsha threw water on him and said he was getting too personal with her. They added another two months on her time.

The judge also ordered no visitation for her to make sure she got cleaned up. Some of the staff there was getting too cozy with the inmate patients was transferred to another state run rehab center or the minimum security prison.

Stephanie continued baby sitting and helping on the farm. She really enjoyed the work plus her friendship with Mr. and Mrs. Owens. She even started taking her grandmother to church every Sunday, She never understood why she couldn't go before.