My one and Only - Page 445/647

Its Monday already and i alreadyI can not wait for the weekend, to just work at home, out of this hectic office, where there is peace and quiet, thank goodness my grand mother is taking Brandon, i need this break.

" Sorry Mam.....uhm you have a meeting with the shareholders in 10 minutes" My assistant Lesego says to me.

Great, excatly what i need a meeting with old hags whom can not get enough money"

" I will be there"

I walk into the board room and they all looking at me as if its like i had something on my head

"Good Day gentleman, may we proceed please"

"Miss Joseph, it has come to our knowledge that we do not have much publicity as we once did and are we not supposed to be expanding and building a new office in Nigera?"

Fuck, Really, is this why they called the shareholders meeting......

" I understand your concerns Mr Parker, but we are making more money and our sales are growing by the day, i do not understand why is publicity worrying you so much, we concerntrate more on our clients really, than on our marketing share for our comany, and we cannot increase the budgets because we are still marketing and negotianting with the Nigerian crew"

"Will you be able to handle it, I mean being a single mother and being a CEO of a PR company?" Asked by one of the shareholders at the table.