The House In Wait - Page 10/28

​ With Waterford turning into a ghost town so did all of the little towns withing a fourty miles radius of Waterford. The only reason why Lexington was saved was they were within driving distant of Mansville.So many people were losing their homes for either not being able to pay their mortahes or taxes.

​ Maggie's mother informed her the only way that they were keeping their heads above the sinking line was her grandparents social security checks along with her father's disability check She thanked God for that blessing. So far it was just the midwest states that was being affected. The midwest was the only section of the country Maggie knew. She wondered if it was a good time to bring a baby into the world much less twins that she was told she was having

On her next visit to the doctor she found out that the twins was girls. The doctor couldn't tell her if they were identical twins but there was a good possibility that they would be..On the early morning news on a national station a distant cousin of a well known rock n roll / country singer that had past away some years before wife was expecting he thought that since he was a twin and his twin had been stillborn that they may be having twins also. He had picked out two beautiful girl names but they only had one daughter so when his lady found out she was pregnant he asked his cousin's family if he could use the name.