The House In Wait - Page 26/28

​ She was so shakened up she couldn't finish cooking their supper. She burned the fried chicken and filled the kitchen with smoke. Maggie rushed in and got the fry pan's fire out by putting a lid on it Maggie took over fixing supper. They had fried chicken missing the thighs that had been burnt, mash potatoes, gravy, butter beans. and dinner rolls. After supper Maggie's mother told Maggie what had happened She had watched an old movie about aliens before she started supper So far her grandfather on her mother's side and herself hadn't been affected by the porthole.

​ Maggie was the next one the porthole opened up on. She had been looking at the baby clothes in the nursery and saw this cute little outfit that she wanted to show her mother and wondered if her mother could sew another one like it to bring the babies home. She was at the top of the front staircase when she saw the porthole opening up behind her in the mirror. A ghostly shape appeared and pushed her down the stairs. Her mother heard her fall and rushed to her. Isabella called 911 to get Maggie the help she needed.

​ She was rushed to the hospital where the doctors told her that the twins didn't survive the fall. A chaplain came to see her. Maggie told him what happened. He told her he knew exactly where she resided at He informed her it was the house. It hated happiness and everyone that had resided there had either died or disabled either physically or mentally.When she was discharged from the hospital Sam packed up and left on a sharter bus headed to Wisconsin to his friend's place. Maggie found out the porthole had opened up again involving her grandparents on her father's side again.