Sometime After Midnight - Page 1/27

Victoria was born on October 31.,1996. She was twenty two inches long, weighing about seven pounds. red brown hair and big brown eyes. She was released from the hospital three days later to begin a good life with her parents. Her father accused her mother that the baby rally wasn't his so Victoria was born under her mother's maiden name. For the first four and a half years of her life her grandparents moved into the guest house behind her two story house to keep her company as her parents worked sometimes very long hours. she enjoyed the trips to the park along with shopping trips her grandmother and playing with her grandparents dog a little Yorkshire terrier named Buffy.

Victoria and Buffy was glued together. Not with actual glue but by love. If Buffy was digging in the garden for something Victoria would get just as dirty digging with him. Grandpa Thomas told Victoria Buffy was a vampire and other monsters hunter. Every night after milk and cookies grandpa Thomas and Buffy would walk the perimeter of her room Then grandma Karen would read them a bedtime story. Sometimes Buffy would go to sleep before Victoria did. Then she would have to put Buffy in the back porch before Victoria's parents got home. Buffy wasn't too happy with it. Grandma Karen made Buffy a throw just like Victoria's. In the evening she would put Victoria's throw up and let Victoria play with Buffy's. Then she would exchange them. Buffy would smell Victoria on her throw and Buffy would settle down and quit her barking wanting out.

Grandpa and grandma knew Victoria's parents didn't like Buffy at all. When they would go to their living quarters they would make Buffy go with them. One evening Victoria's father threatened to get rid of Buffy if she ever bite or scratched either Victoria, her mother, or himself. He didn't understand his son in law at all. Buffy was such a sweet heart and behaved very well.

Buffy would wait at the door for Victoria when she was out with her parents. One evening after hours missing her buffy accidently jumped on her and Victoria fell on the porch. Her father kicked Buffy as hard as he could. Thomas and Karen took their Buffy to the vet. He had broken some rib bones. He refused to pay the bill and told them he wanted them out of his house. The house was not even his .His name wasn't even on the deed. After that they made sure that Victoria's mother was the first one to come home.

Victoria's father demanded that Victoria was to never play with that mutt ever again. He threatened them that he would kill Buffy if he ever found out. After the threat grandma Karen made sure Victoria had a bath making sure her hair was washed very good while grandpa took the dog home. He come in and yell absurd rantings that he could smell Buffy on Victoria's hair and clothing. He wanted to get rid of her for no reason.