Sometime After Midnight - Page 26/27

A tightness in heart as she thought the sheriff had shot Knight. She peaked out of the bush and saw grandpa Tom standing on the front porch with his rifle in his hand. Knight came running to her. She hugged him telling him he was good boy. Two black SUB's pulled in as grandpa tom was laying down the rifle and raised his arms in the air yelling it was self defense.

Their new ranch hand exited the car with a badge in his hand telling them he was FBI agent Steward. he informed Victoria that another FBI agent that she knew very well had surround the ranch while they were building a bone fire. He said they were too late to save her father but in time to save her mother and Sarah thinks to FBI agent Logan.

He told her that Doctor Logan had been recruited by the FBI a few years earlier to help take down a horse theft ring and stayed on as an agent then the FBI had been informed about a cult who worshiped Lucifer. He was watching what might have been a division of that cult who moved from Louisville to New York. He was pretty sure they were the group he was wanting but knew for sure when he heard Victoria reciting ritual chants. Victoria told him she didn't know what they were. She had been ordered to learn it.

He told her that she had been a victim of that cult,. they were going to put her family in the federal witness protection program and after her mother testify she would also go into the witness protection program but they especially Victoria probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with her.. Right at that moment she was being kept at one of their safe houses until she testified in court. Agent Logan was with her. He called agent Logan and she was abled to talk to her mother telling her she had a place at home and they would be happy to see her again.

Madelyn asked her daughter why she wanted to be around her after all the pain she had caused. Victoria replied momma I saw through your sher top and saw the deep welts they left on your back too.

The FBI agents in charge of relocating the family packed them and their animals up and headed father south and east than they ever had been to he middle horse country to start all over again in the state of Kentucky arriving shortly after midnight Sitting on the front porch glider Victoria told her grandma I don't think I'll even be able to trust a man again. Her grandma gave her a hug and replied oh yes you'll meet a young man who your heart will skips beats and you'll be fine sweetheart.