Shyamala stood up from her seat and vehemently shouted at the crowd. “Stop your ranting and raving. Please take your seats.”

Nobody expected that she would shout at her high pitch.

The whole guests of the marriage kept silent and looked at her with surprise. They couldn’t believe their ears.

“Are you going to take your seats or not now?” Shyamala shouted again.

Like an implicit obedient soldier to his commander, the whole crowd obeyed her command and took their seats dazing at her.

Shyamala stepped forward in the stage and spoke at the gathering:” Why do you rant and rave while I am not affected by this incident. Had it happened after the marriage function, what would have been my fate? It is a blessing in disguise. Here in this marriage hall, my marriage is going to take place and you are all going to witness it. Haven’t you heard about Swaymvaram?I am going to select my life partner here in this marriage party and with his consent; my marriage is going to take place. I implore you all who are willing to be my life partner, please, takes your seats in the front row. Please.”

“Is she an incarnation of Rani Jhansi or Rani Mangamma?

Some young boys were reluctant and some were hesitant.

“What! Is she mad? Has she become insane? “Baghyam was annoyed at the way she tried to take over the whole assembly under her control.