The Singhania Scandal - Page 18/206

"Jiya you must be bored. So, tell me about yourself. You seem too young to be his secretary. If you don't mind my asking how old are you?"

"I turned nineteen three months back."

"Sagar she is too young for you.'

"Nikhil she is my secretary not my lover."

Jiya excused herself to go to the ladies room.

"Nikhil we came here to discuss business not my love life.'

"But Sagar I can see the way you look at her. You are lusting after her and that poor girl is so innocent that she does not realise it.I know you well enough to see that she has no chance of fighting with you and you will have her in your bed in a week."

"Stop this rubbish Nikhil. I have no such romantic feelings for her. She is just my secretary. Any way she is very young just out of school. I llike my woman sophisticated and experienced."

"Ok then I am free to pursue her."

"Don't you dare. I know your reputation as well. You will sleep with her on your first date."

Jiya came back from the washroom and their maincourse had arrived so they started their lunch. Now there conversation shifted to business. Jiya had studied the project well so she also offered her advice and after an hour they agreed on each others terms and agreed to sign the contract.