Her Irresistable Boss - Page 26/600

They planned to get married by the end of that year. Both sets of parents were overjoyed and had started making plans for their wedding. It was during these meetings when the three would meet to discuss wedding plans that Raima could sense some change in Ajay. He did not seem to be happy and was a mute spectator in all discussions. Raima believed that he must be having some problems at work so she never questioned him.

Around this time last year back she decided to surprise Ajay on his birthday. She took half day from work ,bought an expensive perfume since Ajay was fond of perfumes , purchased a strawberry flavored cake Ajay’s favourite and went to his apartment. The door to his apartment was slightly ajar and she could hear some noise from his bedroom. She went straight to his bedroom and found Anita with Ajay in bed together. Ajay ran after her , “Raima I can explain please wait.”

“ Ajay there is nothing left to explain. “She threw Ajay’s ring at his face and with tears staining her cheek ran off.

She reached her parents house and ran to her room closing it behind her. Next day both Ajay and Anita visited her but instead of feeling remorseful Anita stated ,”You and Ajay were never meant for each other. Look at him all tall and handsome while you are short and fat. Didn’t you even doubt for one moment that you were engaged for four years but Ajay never touched you while for the past two years since I came in his life he has not been able to take his hands off me? Don’t think you broke up with him He was planning to do so since today I told him I am pregnant. Why would he go after you when he knows you are a cold and unfeeling person?”