In Between My Two Worlds - Page 1/26

A young woman woke up in this place that didn't look familiar. This place smelt unfamiliar to her. She wasn't sure where she was but wherever she was the smell of this place was so ungodly that she upchuck several times. there was another woman taking care of her that kept bowing in her presence. she was making her feel very uneasy.

How she got there she couldn't remember. She tried to ask this woman where she was but the language of that other woman didn't make any sense to her. she didn't have any identification on her body. She saw a name tag on the other woman's strange looking outfit but she couldn't even say the name. She kept looking at the name tag but she didn't recognize it much less being able to pronounce it.

She was in this strange hexagon shape room that had panels of who knew what with a key pad next to it . She pushed the open button on the key pad and instantly the panel opened there was these strange looking clothing. A lot of them. She wondered if every body had all of these clothes.Some of them were almost hypnotic She saw this tunic that was so beautiful she decided she wanted to wear that one.

The next day she woke up in another strange place this time she was wearing a modern day outfit still not knowing who she was but people in this place was talking a language she had heard before and realize one saying was familiar to her. She didn't know where the saying came from and felt like she might have said it a time or two : For him all things were created: things in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible. She wondered am I on earth and from earth.

One person called her Ariel. She wondered is that my name. She also wondered why she was there. She decided to ask this one woman whom seemed to be in charge of the three story building. she was told that she was in a home where young ladies was taught certain educational teachings until their twenty first birthday where she would decide exactly where she wanted to live.

She asked if she had an accident of some kind That lady said oh heavens no. Why do you ask me that question. Ariel told her one thing sometimes she is with people who doesn't talk the same language or dress the way we are dressed right. She told the lady she loved their dresses but it just felt different.. The lady told her on your birthday every thing would become very clear to her. Until then don't let it bother her so much. Enjoy every minute of her life until then.