It Came In The Belltower - Page 14/25

After school was over for the day Sister Sarah got online and looked the college up. She knew Genevie was that talented she couldn't understand why that was the only college to write a letter to Genevie no matter what the outcome was the student always receive a letter of acceptance or rejection.

The next day she asked Genevie about the other eleven colleges. Genevie told her that Mother Superior had said she made out all of the applications and mailed them. Sister Sarah didn't answer her when Genevie asked her why she wanted to know. She finally just said oh I guess the other colleges must have sent their rejection letter to Mother Superior instead of the school.

Sister Sarah tried to recite Genevie's family bible introit but every time that night she had nightmares. She felt like an evil being was getting closer to her every time. She told Father Cummings. He instruct her not to recite the introit any more.

Sister Sarah tenure with the school district was in it's final days. She had a decision to make when Father Cummings called her from Italy. his news made Sister sarah more worried not with Genevie but about Genevie's situation.

Sister Sarah got on line again this time to apply for a job at the North Western State of Louisiana Creative college. She was hired after she faxed them her resume and all of her credentials. The college wanted to know if she could start as early as June the 2nd when Summer Classes was starting. Her reply was yes.

She didn't have time to tell Genevie before graduation ceremony . She would have to leave that night. She wanted to get situated at the college before she started teaching classes. Upon arrival she stopped in to see Fathers Chaffe and Donahue. Father Cummings had already informed them of Genevie's situation.

They told Sister Sarah to be very careful and both Genevie and her needed many prayers. They prayed before Sister Sarah left. They also took the introit that Genevie had given to her They said a chant in Latin then burned the piece of paper. That eased Sister Sarah's mind completely.

She arrived at the college in the middle hours of Memiorial day. She had time not to only unpack her belongings but had time sitting out on her back patio at a table with an umbrella to drink tea while reading the bible.

She had enough time to tour New Orleans especially their beautiful restaurants and little mom and pops stores. in one particular store's window she saw a bunch of amulets of different cultures. By then her nightmares had ended and she didn't want to bring any of them back so she never went inside the store.