It Came In The Belltower - Page 3/25

Genevie spoke up and said not it isn't it's Genevie life line. Sister Marie laughed and said yes it is. After that Genevie didn't ask anything else about her treatments. She was allowed to play outside the day after her treatments. She loved smelling the flowers in the garden.

One particular day she went running into the house grabbing hold onto Sister Francis hand and told her I found my mommy's smell. Sister Francis went out to the garden and smelled the flower. She smiled and said yes you did.The flower was the Scottish Ling heather. From then on Genevie would pick a new bouquet of them every few days.

on the sunny side of the house they built a conservatory where the Ling heather could be grown in all kinds of season. That room became Genevie's favorite room. on one side of the room it was turned into a library./ study room for her.

Genevie was the happiest being around the flower that was made into perfume for her mother. the older she got her mother's face had completely been forgotten in her mind. She still wasn't old enough to be told the real reason why she was whisked away in the middle of the night.

Sometimes she thought it was her illness then other times she thought she had been a bad girl and her parents didn't like her anymore. The bad thing she did still remember or thought it was a memory was of an odd shaped mask that a boy older than her wore while playing with her when she was little.

She had asked the nuns about him. They all told her that she didn't have a sibling She was the only child and it probably was her imagination. She came to realize that the nuns knew more and better than her. Sister Marie told her that she couldn't get the treatment in Scotland that she desperately needed to stay alive and that was the only reason that her mother sent her to live here in America.

The nuns started telling that when she got a little older they would teach her how to read her family's book the proper way. if not read the exact way it was written the meaning would be lost. Superior Mother told her that her mother had packed the book in with her clothes so when she go older she would understand how important it was to for her to take over her family's legacy.

Genevie still couldn't understand what her role was and really just wanted to live like all of the rest of the girls in her town. Sometimes she wished she was back in Scotland. When she visited the library at school she looked up Scotland. There was some very beautiful areas there. She saw one girl taking a piece of typing paper and used a pencil and scratched symbol off of one of the books,