It Came In The Belltower - Page 5/25

Genevie joked about the twelve of them saying they were the twelve cult members. When she got home that day she was severely punished for saying that. One evening she asked Sister Marie why some nuns wears white habits and some wear black. Sister Marie told her that it depended on where they were in their with their Lord.

For Genevie's thirteenth birthday Mother Superior along with Sister Marie and Sister Francis took her to her homeland of Scotland. They visited the site where her home had stood and now was replaced by a church. The old tower was placed on one end of the church. Little did she know someone other than the priest she met was watching her.

Before they left she was taken up on the roof to see the grounds below the tower better. She thought she heard someone call her name while making a weird spooky sound. it made her hair on the back of her neck stand straight out and a chill rushed through her body.