My Best Friend / My Evil Stepmother - Page 10/26

Little did Kelsey know that her mother already knew about Andrew and his shady life style. She found out a very hard way when she had attracted a disease from him the last time he was home. Maxine was a devoted Christian and had prayed almost constantly since then. She also knew she had gotten it from Andrew because she surely hadn't been fooling around and you could only get it by having sex with a person.

She had sent a private detective to Hawaii and when the private got back she was told that the med school had almost failed him but gave him the choice to transfer to one in the forty eight states Then gave him a way out to either transfer or get banned from being a doctor permanently He also checked up on Kelsey and knew she had found herself an all girl church school for the week.She thought to herself no honey he and whoever he's been with isn't going to steal what belongs to you.