My Best Friend / My Evil Stepmother - Page 19/26

She thought about going home and start a business dealing in animals, it would be better than dealing with these stupid people who was running this college then the thought about seeing Isabel again over rode any bad things she had to deal with. She stopped at the college's resource shop to at least pick up the books she needed. This young man named Cody looked at her list and came back with the books. When he scanned the books not one of the books on her list had the discount price.

He apologized for that because if her coordinator had done their job right she would have received a discount on the supplies she needed for the semester. He over heard her talking to herself then laughed. She looked strange at him for o moment. He smiled at her and said I have heard a lot of the students including myself saying that but usually it's halfway though the year and not at the beginning of one.

Kelsey told him that nothing had gone right from the day she was accepted into this college. He un scanned the books and suggested that she visited the little off campus supply store to get her books. The books there are always fifty percent off and there was nothing old or wrong with the books. He explained to her that it was funded by this church in town. The only thing is you can not shop there unless you are a member or have a guest card of a member.

Kelsey just shook her head and started to turn to leave when he grabbed her arm to stop her. He had his wallet out and presented her with a guest card and smiled. I'll let my sister and mother know you're coming. I'll also will fax them your list of books and material you need. Kelsey thanked him and headed straight to the book store off of campus. When she arrived she met this very nice young woman.

She had blond hair but you could tell a family resemblance with Cody and the middle aged lady that came from the back carrying one book and just stuck a piece of paper in the cover of the first book in the stack. She was very polite and professional which reminded Kelsey of her mother. The young of the two women put the books in a bag along with notebook that had courses already labeled on them. The items even with the half price came to almost five hundred dollars. Kelsey used her bank card and thanked both of them and left.

Kelsey stopped by the book store at the college just in time to see Cody locking the door. He smiled and asked her if she was stalking him then laughed. She informed him with all the savings she wanted to buy him a thank you dinner. The two of them went to the town's local pizza polar. It had a nice little dining area. to eat in that was divided from the front of the eatery by a salad / drink island . It was very quiet due to it wasn't the busy time of the day yet. They picked out a couple songs each on the establishment's jukebox.