My Best Friend / My Evil Stepmother - Page 24/26

After he was done he had several papers that he paperclipped together under one little post a note. Then he asked for a cup of coffee. He took a break drinking his coffee. He informed Audrey he thought he was ready for battle but there usually one thing he never expected would pop up in court.and everyone needed to get a good night sleep to be refresh as a daisy the next morning.

Kelsey was extremely fidgety and couldn't settle down just kept asking why is he doing this to me. The lawyer took out a little bottle of over the counter allergy pills of his and told Kelsey to take a couple. It would just realize her and take the jittery feeling away. and help to promote a good nights sleep. It did calm her down some. She could sleep for a few hours but still woke up hours before court.

Her lawyer had broken dwon the paper work even more. Kelsey asked Audrey where all of that paper work had come from. Audrey just smiled and said baby girl your momma has been keeping track on for years but being it would have been against her faith if she had kicked him out. A friend and co worker of her lawyers arrived an hour before they was schedule to leave for court and tried to prioritized the paper that he thought the way her father's lawyer would start. Kelsey was so nervous she knew there was no way that she could keep anything down

She knew she was going to be in a fight for her life. when court would start. He tried to reassure her that he had every aspect of it covered. He asked her for nothing but her trust. She nodded her head then smiled a little bit. Sitting in the back row was her true friend Cory along with Cory's mother and sister. The first issue of court was how much Dr. Mason had contributed to the family's finance. His lawyer made it sound as though he was the only bread winner of the family. By the time the judge was ready for her lawyer to speak she was so mad at her father she gripped ahold of Audrey's arms with a force she didn't know she had.

Her lawyer had the couple's taxes since their very first one when they were newly weds. They showed that Maxine was the total bread winner through out their marriage. First it was her salary from her skating career. Then from her pieces of artwork she had done till right at the end of her life.. The financial record showed where he had spent so much of the family's expenses on his college years . Kelsey's lawyer informed the judge of his spending during his playboy stint in Hawaii. He wasn't even aware of his daughter's presence in Hawaii due to him having such a good time waltzing the ladies.