My Best Friend / My Evil Stepmother - Page 26/26

The police lab did a ballistic test on a rifle found in Dr. Andrew Mason's house on the college campus. It was a match. They were still in the middle of their investigation when Dr. Mason became seriously ill and died in the hospital. Isabel tried to blame it on Kelsey. By then she was several miles and hours back in the Midwest recovering from her attempted murder She had around the clock nurses helping her. She was taken off of their suspect list.

Isabel being Dr. Mason's new wife the police made her their number one suspect when they uncovered an insurance policy for 2.5 million dollars. They had stalled her from being able to cremate him. The autopsy revealed that he died from arsenic poison. During her trail the police in Texas resumed her parents bodies found a minute trace of rat poison in one of their joint bones.

The Texas authority charged her with two counts of first degree murder. The jury found her guilty of first degree murder of Dr. Mason and attempted murder of Kelsey Lynn Mason.. She received a sentence of life plus ten years. Kelsey knew she would never get out to hurt anyone else ever.

The End