My Best Friend / My Evil Stepmother - Page 3/26

Even Harriet got to enjoy the events. She heard where the biggest city about a half an hour to the south was opening up a secretary school. There was a box put up saying the school was giving away a full two year course to a lucky person. The new school wasn't giving away a two year course but Maxine knowing the head of that board paid in advance for Harriet to attend. Harriet had told her if she was a secretary that her husband could get .a job as pastor at a bigger church that paid more only if he could afford to go to seminary school. Maxine also approached the seminary and Joseph Elijah Cummings also got to go to school.

Their classes was a few miles away from each other and the hours was really close in length also so both Joseph and Harriet started together. to make themselves able to provide for Isabel. While they were off to better themselves Isabel and Kelsey rode the bus to and from school. They went to the Kelsey's school house to do their home work together. Once in awhile on good days Maxine would load her van's back with her paintings and would be waiting for the girls to come home then drove to the same city that Isabel's parents was going to business and religious schools.

She would by pass both places to the art district to the art gallery. Maxine could read people really good. and enjoyed helping people who didn't have the ability to do better on their own. rate of living. the people she helped usually didn't even know it was her that gave them the chance to better themselves. She lived by the motto Don't Let Your Left hand Know What Your Right Hand Is doing. She didn't want people to have to say thank you to her and feel like they had to pay her back

After both of the Cummings graduated from their business schools they were hired by a Methodist Church in the nice town just to the east of them. being a sectary Harriet helped with writing his sermons, typing the church bulletins, and any personal business for her husband. .Pastor Joseph and his lovely wife Harriet cummings wanted to put their resumes out into the public. two years later both of them were offered a job by a large Methodist out west in another state.

The girls both cried during their good byes and an elderly couple of the church in town bought their house. Maxine could see Kelsey was lonely from losing her best friend She would go out to Isabel and her town buildings but never stayed longer than a few minutes. She wouldn't attend dancing classes. Kelsey was now ten years old making her best friend a teenager. Maxine knew Isabel was taking an interest in boys and would probably not write Kelsey that much. After seeing her baby girl so lonely Maxine thought I need to get her a pet. A dog that will run any where Kelsey went.