My Best Friend / My Evil Stepmother - Page 8/26

She wasn't too keen on him being around the house. She didn't trust him around Kelsey at all and she had heard that he had grabbing hands. It took just a few days of adjustment for the new member of the family to know what was expected of her. She had fitted in as a new buddy for Kelsey. As far as Maxine knew Andrew was adjusting at his new college in Hawaii. After Andrew went to Hawaii, she hardly ever was able to get in touch with him again. She did contact him once over a phone line. He said that he was just so busy with classes that he didn't have time to communicate with his two favorite girls. She would just have to be patient.

After just a few weeks there was another terrible occurrence that happened. Maxine wasn't feeling too good so she unlocked the dog door so Star could get her business done. She took some cold / flu over the counter medication and had laid back down when she was woke up by a gun shot very close to the house. Then she heard her alarm system to sound. She was called by the alarm company and help was on the way .Maxine hid until she heard the police sirens. She looked out and saw three police cars pulling into her driveway.

She told them over the phone she was upstairs in her room and there were no other members of the family or staff in the house. Within minutes one policeman was upstairs in her room while the other ones was making sure there were no intruder in the house. They found Star shot to death in her pen. Maxine called her housekeeper and asked her to pick Kelsey up from school and bring her home. She wasn't sure how involved Andrew was if he was at all. Something deep inside of her said he was involved though.

This time Maxine went looking for the meanest looking guard dog and decided on a Doberman Pincher named Killer. Killer was never let outside by himself. Some one took shots at her while she was walking down the pathway to collect fresh eggs from her hen house One bullet went through the basket she was carrying. She reported it to the police and the police report was filed at the town's city hall.

She didn't want to Kelsey to stay at the house until whoever was doing this got caught. She decided that Kelsey now fifteen could travel on a direct flight to Hawaii and spend some time with her father. She drove Kelsey to the airport and watched til the flight left. Kelsey promised her mother she would call when she got there. There was a bus that left the airport to the medical school three times a day and she could catch that bus. It would go by the apartment complex on the way to the medical school and did drop off people at that stop.