The Colors of Space - Page 101/108

"We sent a boy to do a man's job," Raynor Three said, "and he came back

a man. But tell me--" He looked curiously at Ringg and Meta.

Bart introduced them, adding, "I came for help, really. I'm facing

charges, and I'm afraid you are, too."

Raynor One said harshly, "A trap, after all, Three! He trapped you, and

he's led the Lhari to you!"

"No," Raynor Three said, "or he wouldn't be walking around free and

unguarded and with all his memories intact. Tell me about it, Bart." And

when Bart had given a quick narration of the Lhari judgment, he nodded,


"That's all we ever wanted. Don't think you failed, Bart. The horrible

part was only the way they were trying to keep it secret."

Ringg interrupted, "Do not judge the Lhari by them, Raynor Three," and

Raynor Three said in good Lhari, "I don't, feathertop. Raynors have been

working with Lhari since the days of Rhazon of Nedrus. But I wanted an

open, official statement of Lhari policy--not secret murders by

fanatics. I had confidence in the Lhari as a people, but not in

individuals. What good did it do to know that the Lhari council in

another galaxy would have condemned the murders and manhunts, when they

were going on in this one, day after day?

"Don't you see, Bart?" he continued, "you didn't fail--not if we're

going to have the publicity of a test case, publicly heard. That means

the Lhari are prepared to admit, before our whole galaxy, that humans

can survive warp-drive without cold-sleep. That's all David Briscoe

was trying to prove, or your father either--may they rest in peace. So,

whatever happens, we've won."

"If you two idealists will give me a minute for cold realities," Raynor

One said, "there's this. Among other things. Bart's not yet of legal

age. You may not know this, Bart, but your father appointed me your

legal guardian. When I turned you over to Three, I'm afraid, I assumed

legal responsibility for all the consequences. I ought to have kept you

under my own supervision."

Bart smiled at Raynor One's stern face. "I crossed two galaxies, and

faced the Lhari High Council, without you to hold my hand. I can face

the Trade Federation."

"Naturally I will be responsible for your defense," Raynor One said


"But I don't need a defense," Bart said, turning to Raynor Three and

meeting his eyes. "I'm going to tell the truth, and let it stand. Don't

worry, I'll make sure they don't hold you responsible for my actions."