The Colors of Space - Page 94/108

"We have read the transcript of your knowledge," said the old Lhari.

"There is little in it that we do not know. We are not, of course,

concerned with human conspiracies unless they endanger Lhari lives. The

Antares authorities will deal with the man Montano for an unauthorized

landing on Lharillis, in violation of Federation treaty."

He smiled, his gnome's face breaking into a million tiny cracks like a

piece of gray-glazed pottery. "Bartol, or whatever you call yourself,

you are a brave young man. I suppose you are afraid we will block your

memories, or your ability to speak of them?"

Bart nodded, gulping. Did the old Lhari read his mind?

"A year ago we might have done so. Captain Vorongil, you will be

interested to know that we have discussed this in Council, and your

recommendations have been taken. The secret that humans can endure

star-drive has outlived its usefulness. For good or ill, it is secret no

longer. We cannot possibly eliminate all the old records, or the

enterprising people who hunt them out.

"The captain who had David Briscoe killed, under the mistaken notion

that this would excuse his own negligence in letting Briscoe stow away

on his ship, is undergoing psychotherapy and may eventually recover.

"As for the rest--Bart Steele, you know nothing that is a danger to us.

You do not know the coordinates of our world, or even in which galaxy it

is located. You do not know where we secure the catalyst your people

seek. In fact, you know nothing that is not soon to become common

knowledge. In view of that, we have decided not to interfere with your


"Talk as much as you like," added another of the ancients, "and may your

memories of this voyage help in understanding between the Lhari and

other human races. Good fortune to you." And he was smiling.

"There is another side to this," said a third, more sternly and gravely.

"You have broken a treaty between Lhari and man. We have dealt with you

as the laws required; now your own people must do so. You must return

with the Swiftwing to the planet where the violation originated--" he

consulted a memorandum--"Procyon Alpha. There you and the man Raynor

Three will face charges of unlawful conspiracy to board a Lhari ship, in

violation of Intergalactic Trade treaties. Captain Vorongil, will you be

responsible for him?"

So I've lost, Bart thought drearily. I didn't even learn anything

important enough for them to suppress. There was a strange wounded

pride in this; after all his trouble, he was being treated like a little

boy who has used a great deal of enterprise and intelligence to rob a

cookie cupboard, and for his pains is sent home with the stolen cookie

in his hand.