Jude the Obsure - Page 127/318

And then they pretended to persuade themselves that all that had

happened was of no consequence, and that they could still be cousins

and friends and warm correspondents, and have happy genial times

when they met, even if they met less frequently than before. Their

parting was in good friendship, and yet Jude's last look into her

eyes was tinged with inquiry, for he felt that he did not even now

quite know her mind.


Tidings from Sue a day or two after passed across Jude like a

withering blast.

Before reading the letter he was led to suspect that its contents

were of a somewhat serious kind by catching sight of the

signature--which was in her full name, never used in her

correspondence with him since her first note:

MY DEAR JUDE,--I have something to tell you which perhaps

you will not be surprised to hear, though certainly it may

strike you as being accelerated (as the railway companies

say of their trains). Mr. Phillotson and I are to be married

quite soon--in three or four weeks. We had intended, as you

know, to wait till I had gone through my course of training

and obtained my certificate, so as to assist him, if

necessary, in the teaching. But he generously says he does

not see any object in waiting, now I am not at the training

school. It is so good of him, because the awkwardness of my

situation has really come about by my fault in getting


Wish me joy. Remember I say you are to, and you mustn't

refuse!--Your affectionate cousin, SUSANNA FLORENCE MARY BRIDEHEAD.

Jude staggered under the news; could eat no breakfast; and kept on

drinking tea because his mouth was so dry. Then presently he went

back to his work and laughed the usual bitter laugh of a man so

confronted. Everything seemed turning to satire. And yet, what

could the poor girl do? he asked himself: and felt worse than

shedding tears.

"O Susanna Florence Mary!" he said as he worked. "You don't know

what marriage means!"

Could it be possible that his announcement of his own marriage had

pricked her on to this, just as his visit to her when in liquor may

have pricked her on to her engagement? To be sure, there seemed to

exist these other and sufficient reasons, practical and social, for

her decision; but Sue was not a very practical or calculating person;

and he was compelled to think that a pique at having his secret

sprung upon her had moved her to give way to Phillotson's probable

representations, that the best course to prove how unfounded were the

suspicions of the school authorities would be to marry him off-hand,

as in fulfilment of an ordinary engagement. Sue had, in fact, been

placed in an awkward corner. Poor Sue!