Jude the Obsure - Page 248/318

"... And she humbled her body greatly, and all the places

of her joy she filled with her torn hair."--ESTHER (Apoc.).

"There are two who decline, a woman and I,

And enjoy our death in the darkness here."



On their arrival the station was lively with straw-hatted young men,

welcoming young girls who bore a remarkable family likeness to their

welcomers, and who were dressed up in the brightest and lightest of


"The place seems gay," said Sue. "Why--it is Remembrance

Day!--Jude--how sly of you--you came to-day on purpose!"

"Yes," said Jude quietly, as he took charge of the small child, and

told Arabella's boy to keep close to them, Sue attending to their own

eldest. "I thought we might as well come to-day as on any other."

"But I am afraid it will depress you!" she said, looking anxiously at

him up and down.

"Oh, I mustn't let it interfere with our business; and we have a good

deal to do before we shall be settled here. The first thing is


Having left their luggage and his tools at the station they proceeded

on foot up the familiar street, the holiday people all drifting in

the same direction. Reaching the Fourways they were about to turn

off to where accommodation was likely to be found when, looking at

the clock and the hurrying crowd, Jude said: "Let us go and see the

procession, and never mind the lodgings just now? We can get them


"Oughtn't we to get a house over our heads first?" she asked.

But his soul seemed full of the anniversary, and together they went

down Chief Street, their smallest child in Jude's arms, Sue leading

her little girl, and Arabella's boy walking thoughtfully and silently

beside them. Crowds of pretty sisters in airy costumes, and meekly

ignorant parents who had known no college in their youth, were under

convoy in the same direction by brothers and sons bearing the opinion

written large on them that no properly qualified human beings had

lived on earth till they came to grace it here and now.

"My failure is reflected on me by every one of those young

fellows," said Jude. "A lesson on presumption is awaiting me

to-day!--Humiliation Day for me! ... If you, my dear darling, hadn't

come to my rescue, I should have gone to the dogs with despair!"

She saw from his face that he was getting into one of his

tempestuous, self-harrowing moods. "It would have been better if we

had gone at once about our own affairs, dear," she answered. "I am

sure this sight will awaken old sorrows in you, and do no good!"