The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Page 115/115

But if youre clever, I added, youll get to keep most of yours.

Dekarta shook his head slowly. Not me. Im dying. And my heirsthey had the strength to rule as you say, but He glanced over at Relad, who lay open-eyed on the floor with a knife stuck in his throat. He had bled even more than I.

Uncle Scimina began, but Nahadoth jerked her leash to silence her. Dekarta glanced once in her direction, then away.

You have another heir, Dekarta, I said. Hes clever and competent, and I believe hes strong enoughthough he will not thank me for recommending him.

I smiled to myself, seeing without eyes through the layers of Sky. Within, the palace was not so very different. Bark and branches had replaced the pearly Skystuff in places, and some of the dead spaces had been filled with living wood. But even this simple change was enough to terrify the denizens of Sky, highblood and low alike. At the heart of the chaos was Tvril, marshaling the palaces servants and organizing an evacuation.

Yes, he would do nicely.

Dekartas eyes widened, but he knew an order when he heard one. He nodded, and in return, I touched him and willed his hip whole and his heart stable. That would keep him alive a few days longerlong enough to see the transition through.

I I dont understand, said the human Naha, as the godly version and I got to our feet. He looked deeply shaken. Why have you done this? What do I do now?

I looked at him in surprise. Live, I said. Why else do you think I put you here?

* * *

There was much more to be done, but those were the parts that mattered. You would have enjoyed all of it, I thinkrighting the imbalances triggered by your death, discovering existence anew. But perhaps there are interesting discoveries to be had where youve gone, too.

It surprises me to admit it, but I shall miss you, Enefa. My soul is not used to solitude.

Then again, I will never be truly alone, thanks to you.

* * *

Sometime after we left Sky and Itempas and the mortal world behind, Sieh took my hand. Come with us, he said.


Nahadoth touched my face then, very gently, and I was awed and humbled by the tenderness in his gaze. Had I earned such warmth from him? I hadntbut I would. I vowed this to myself, and lifted my face for his kiss.

You have much to learn, he murmured against my lips when we parted. I have so many wonders to show you.

I could not help grinning like a human girl. Take me away, then, I said. Lets get started.

So we passed beyond the universe, and now there is nothing more to tell.

* * *

Of this tale, anyhow.