The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Page 62/115

I jerked away from him, clinging to my anger. It was better than despair, if just as useless. You dont know what youre talking about. My people I came here to help them, and instead theyre in more danger because of me.

Yes, so Ive heard. You do realize that both Relad and Scimina are consummate liars, dont you? Nothing youve done caused this. Sciminas plans were set in motion long before you ever arrived in Sky. Thats how this family does things. He held a hunk of cheese to my mouth. I had to bite off a piece, chew it, and swallow just to get his hand out of the way.

If thats He pushed more fruit at me; I batted the fork aside and the fruit flew off somewhere near my bookcases. If thats true, then you know theres nothing I can do! Darrs enemies are preparing to attack. My land is weak; we cant fight off one army, let alone however many are gathering against us!

He nodded, sober, and held up a new chunk of fruit for me. That sounds like Relad. Scimina is usually more subtle. But it could be either of them, frankly. Dekarta hasnt given them much time to work, and they both get clumsy under pressure.

The fruit tasted like salt in my mouth. Then tell me I blinked back tears. What am I supposed to do, Tvril? You say Im letting them win, but what else can I do?

Tvril set down the dish and took my hands, leaning forward. I realized suddenly that his eyes were green, though a deeper shade than my own. I had never before considered the fact that we were relatives. So few of the Arameri felt human to me, much less like family.

You fight, he said, his voice low and intent. His hands gripped my own fiercely enough to hurt. You fight in whatever way you can.

It might have been the strength of his grip, or the urgency of his voice, but abruptly I realized something. You want to be heir yourself, dont you?

He blinked in surprise, and then a rueful smile crossed his face. No, he said. Not really. No one would want to be heir under these conditions; I dont envy you that. But He looked away, toward the windows, and I saw it in his eyes: a terrible frustration that must have been burning in him all his life. The unspoken knowledge that he was just as smart as Relad or Scimina, just as strong, just as deserving of power, just as capable of leadership.

And if the chance were ever given to him, he would fight to keep it. To use it. He would fight even if he had no hope of victory, because to do otherwise was to concede that the stupid, arbitrary assignment of fullblood status had anything to do with logic; that the Amn truly were superior to all other races; that he deserved to be nothing more than a servant.

As I deserved to be nothing more than a pawn. I frowned.

Tvril noticed. Thats better. He put the dish of fruit in my hands and stood up. Finish eating and get dressed. I want to show you something.

* * *

I had not realized that it was a holiday. Fire Day; some Amn celebration Id heard of, but never paid much attention to. When Tvril brought me out of my room, I heard the sounds of laughter and Senmite music drifting through the corridors. I had never liked the music of this continent; it was strange and arrhythmic, full of eerie minors, the sort of thing only people with refined tastes were supposed to be able to comprehend or enjoy.

I sighed, thinking we were headed in that direction. But Tvril cast a grim look that way and shook his head. No. You dont want to attend that celebration, Cousin.

Why not?

That party is for highbloods. Youd certainly be welcome, and as a halfblood I could go, too, but I would suggest that you avoid social events with our fullblooded relatives if you actually want to enjoy yourself. They have odd notions of what constitutes fun. His grim look warned me off further questioning. This way.

He led me in the complete opposite direction, down several levels and angling toward the palaces heart. The corridors were bustling with activity, though I saw only servants as we walked, all of them moving so hurriedly that they barely had time to bob a greeting at Tvril. I doubt they even noticed me.

Where are they all going? I asked.

Tvril looked amused. To work. Ive scheduled everyone on rotating short shifts, so theyve probably waited until the last minute to leave. Didnt want to miss any of the fun.


Mmm-hmm. We rounded a curve and I saw a wide set of translucent doors before us. Here we are; the centeryard. Now, youre friendly with Sieh so I imagine the magic will work for you, but if it doesntif I disappearjust return to the hall and wait, and Ill come back out to get you.

What? I was growing used to feeling stupid.

Youll see. He pushed the doors open.

The scene beyond was almost pastoralwould have been if I hadnt known I was in the middle of a palace hovering a half mile above the earth. We looked into some sort of vast atrium at the center of the palace, in which rows of tiny cottages bordered a cobblestone path. It surprised me to realize that the cottages were made, not of the pearly material that comprised the rest of the palace, but of ordinary stone and wood and brick. The style of the cottages varied wildly from that of the palace, toothe first sharp angles and straight lines Id seenand from cottage to cottage. Many of the designs were foreign to my eye, Tokken and Mekatish and others, including one with a striking bright-gold rooftop that might have been Irtin. I glanced up, realizing that the centeryard sat within a vast cylinder in the body of the palace; directly above was a circle of perfectly clear blue sky.