Dantalion of the Goetia: Taste the Obsession of a Demon - Page 24/108

Rowan's interest in magick was more along the lines of the darker arts, something that Wiccan beliefs stayed away from. My curiosity with religion and demonology took me from one spectrum of white magick to the complete opposite, tugging me in different directions.

The group of students and the rest of the coven passed around a feast of cakes and drinks, sharing stories and telling what strange dreams they had. Some of them wanted to learn more, so the High Priestess offered them some instructional tips on the art of magick.

Slowly, one by one, the guests leaving the Courtyard thanked the High Priestess for allowing them to share in the ritual. The thirteen members of the coven, including myself, extinguished the flames of the fire circle.

The fire took awhile to put out, and Rowan, Erin and Lucia knew there was something I wasn't telling them about the ritual.

"Laurel, tell us what you saw," Erin wanted answers.

I didn't want to tell them what I saw. The stone was supposed to prophesize the future. And my future was now consumed by something I had no power over.

"Nothing. I think the energy was just really strong" I lied.

"Yea, I felt this crazy energy, when we were all moving fast around the Circle" Lucia said.

"That's called 'drawing down the moon', I replied.

Demons devouring demons. What would everyone think if I told them that's what I saw? I wasn't sure what it meant, but I felt like I was closer to finding out the truth about Dantalion.

His true form was summoned in this very Courtyard, the glow of his eyes still clear in my memory. He wasn't like a demon one would imagine in their mind, hideous, evil. He was hypnotic, melting my will like fire and ice. Somehow I should have prevented this from ever happening, but as with destiny, it was inevitable. Although we can't stop things from happening all of the time, we can choose to change them, bend the outcome. And, if that's what was happening, I was willing to do whatever it takes.

Everyone starting making strange animal noises into the night, Rowan began howling like a wolf.

"Where should we go tonight?" Erin asked.

"You're the campus socialite!" I laughed. "Why don't you tell us if there are any campus parties we can go to down town. It's a full moon on Halloween night. There has to be some dark demon-clad lair we can haunt!"

"Well, there are a few I know of" Erin replied.