Dantalion of the Goetia: The Summoning - Page 21/67

"Good… that's right… you'll be just fine," Sitri answered, lifting me up and placing me on my bed.

"Sitri… what's happening to her…. Possession shouldn't begin this quickly, " Druitte questioned.

"Remember, she's branded by the Four Kings of Hell… She's turning into a full fledged demon… we've got to get Master Rowan to shape shift here," Sitri signaled for the others to come closer. "Halphas, did you get hold of this Erin and Lucia?"

"His voice projected rough undertones…I had to intercept the conversation," Vine explained philosophically. "I informed the young ladies we were Laurel's distant uncles and she was asking for them to come here as soon as possible."

"Good," Sitri nodded, staring at himself in Laurel's mirror. "And we're Laurel's cousins," clarifying the details. "Perpetual youth will be our advantage in this mortal realm, don't you think Druitte?"

"Sitri… the girl was right…. They should have diminished your arrogance along with your demon body! This is not the time for social networking," Vine protested. "The girl is saying something…. Dantalion…. Meet… you there… at The Tomb…"

"Vine's interpretation is correct," a voice came from across the hall."

"Master Rowan!" the ex-demons called in unison.

"Fine tuning un-tapped demonic powers…ya know? Laurel's supposed to meet Dantalion at The Tomb before midnight. He thinks her friends have ties to get her in… only problem is… he didn't think the demonic possession would set in so quick…neither did I. Her friends haven't seen her in months. We shouldn't let them see her like this, do you? Everyone…. Out of the room!" Rowan ordered.

His dark eyes caught mine, opaque… lifeless… staring blindly into his, the brands scorching my outstretched arms.

"I've been working on these half-demon powers of mine. They take some getting used to. The auras of divine magick help me see everything tainted with evil, and from what I'm guessing, you're their prime subject." Rowan leaned in closer over my body, his defined arms bearing his demonic seal, much smaller in contrast to the elaborate brands etched on my own arms. "Hey… I told you to hide these," he joked, trying to lighten the mood. I could feel his claws tracing over the brands sending me into an uncontrollable hunger to feed.

"Remember… our immortal blood is what they want… they just don't know that mingled together it will be more than they expect."