Dantalion of the Goetia: The Summoning - Page 53/67

Dantalion and Rowan eyed the two demons whispering among themselves.

"Belial's conjuring a plan against us," Rowan nudged Dantalion. "They're gonna use me, just like they're gonna use you."

"How can you be certain?" Dantalion motioned for the others to go ahead.

"This curse of yours…too bad it doesn't give you powers to block auras of evil…cuz my newly mastered powers tell me everything I need to know," Rowan boasted.

"My powers over-ride yours… without a doubt," Dantalion flashed his canines jokingly.

"Yea, well hopefully you see this thing through."

Once past the crystal rock formations, the familiar scent of death lingered in the mist.

"Remember… we are in the Southern realm to test Satan… his jealous pride will be unable to pass the trial we present unto him," Dantalion indicated to the others, ordering them to move past the crimson flames ahead, past Satan's winged guardians.

"Hold on angel….I'm half-demon… I won't make it past their deafening screeches…they'll drive me insane," Rowan protested.

"Yes… but with immortal blood and powers no human can master, now would be a good time to demonstrate what you're capable of…" the yellow-amber glow of Dantalion's eyes taunted Rowan.