Eight letters - Page 104/498

He saw Maya who had tied the kerchief in her hand so he asked,” What is this Maya? Why are you wearing the kerchief like that? It is like a rogue. Behave like a girl, Maya.”

She saw him and spoke,” Pappa, Just give a break so that I can answer your questions.”

“You first do what I say then you can explain me. It’s my fault that I have given you so much freedom.”

Maya got agitated by his reply so she raised her voice and spoke,” Excuse me, Pappa. Who are you to give me freedom? It is every human being right to be like they want to and don’t ever say that you gave me freedom. I owned it.”

“We were the one who taught you to be like this and didn’t I give you freedom to choose the guy you want to? Go and see rest of them they are selecting a guy and asking their child to marry. Are we doing like that?”

“Pappa, Of course you taught what it is and when I started to implement in my life you watched me using it wisely so you didn’t restrict it. So that explains that I owned my freedom. Then let me tell you one more thing you didn’t give me freedom for my marriage all that you gave was choice. You gave me an option to pick from one you people are seeing. That is not what freedom is. If you had told me marriage is something you must decide whether you want to or not then I would have agreed that you gave me freedom. Understood!”