Eight letters - Page 118/498

Varun was astonished to see her predicting it perfectly even when it was in air. He clapped for her with surprise in his eyes. He saw her without taking his eyes off. She then went to the same girl who was to service again. She whispered something in her ear and they both hi-fived. Maya came back to her position and cheered up her team. The girl served her ball and this time they hit back.

Maya shouted seeing the ball in air as “LEAVE IT…” and everyone who came to the center to hit the ball moved back leaving her to take it. The ball was in air and Maya kept a firm gaze at it. She jumped from the ground and smashed the ball back in the air itself. It moved towards the other team and fell near the other team captain’s leg. All this happened in seconds before everyone could see where the ball might fall she jumped up and passed back to them which they didn’t predict. Even before they could judge the ball fell in the ground so they took another point and won the match. Everyone hugged her and then she raised her left leg above and punched her right hand on the air gesturing the victory symbol.

Everyone enjoyed the celebration while she walked away to get some water. Maya went near her bag and found her bottle empty. Varun saw her so he went to her and spoke, “How about having this?”