Eight letters - Page 168/498

He said,” Just that getting irritated always hearing the same reason for rejection. That is it.”

“Oh okay. But seriously I think girls have lost their mind to reject a mumma’s guy.”

“Maybe they must have thought that I will always support and love my mom more than them. Who knows? It’s their view can’t blame them too.”

“It’s such an imprudent thought. It’s all because they believe the clichés.”

“So you are okay if a guy is a mumma’s boy.”

“Obviously yes. Even my parents are in hunt for a guy for me and when they asked me my preference I had this as Top on my check list.”

Varun thought,” There is no doubt that she is different from others. But what makes her to think like that?”

He asked her,” Hmmm. Don’t you think that they might love you less or always seeks their mom help for taking important decisions. Don’t you think that they always hide behind their mom’s pallu (a word for describing the frills of saree)?”

“Happa Varun, Why would I think like that? It’s the way we have grown up right? If I want to take some decision or if I am confused with something who will I discuss it with? Of course my mom right. When I can ask opinions from my mom how I expect my husband to ask me first when he has also been grown up in the same way as me? That is really an unfair thought. Also the guy who loves his mom will be the one who loves his wife more than that. If one cannot love his mom how can I expect love from him? They don’t behind their mom they need their mom to aide them at those times that is it. So mumma’s boy are the best choice for finding a life partner.”