Eight letters - Page 218/498

He met her eyes and spoke,” Maya, the question you asked me inside is the most important question for my life.”

“Why is that so?”

“Hey do you even know how hard it is for me to just say the eight letters or three words to say to you? How much I have prepared and struggled without telling those to you? Didn’t my eyes say you my feelings that I have for you? Doesn’t my touch make you to realize it? You just made it as a joke just by asking in front of him. Do you even know how much I longed for you to say YES when I ask you the same question?”

Maya met his eyes and he met hers. He saw her eyes and took his hands near her cheeks so that he can hold it. He saw her eyes which was seeing his hands. He stopped proceeding and just placed his hands in front of her.

He continued,” Maya, Will you marry me? I want you by my side. I want to see you happy, tease me, mock with me, fight with me and just like today I want you to defend me but I want you to do this all being as my life partner and not as my friend. I am sorry I got…”