Eight letters - Page 233/498

They both ordered the tea and waited for it. Maya then spoke up,” Varun, Is the weekend match between us still ON?”

“No. Actually I have some other plans. So can we postpone it for next week?”

“Okay. But what is your plan for weekend?”

“Not sure. Once I head home I will get to know.”


“Here. Hold this” saying it he handed a cup of tea to her.

She got it from him but then jeered,”IiiiiiiSSSSShhhhhh”


“It is hot.”

He got it from her and held it for her. He then turned to the shop guy and asked for another cup. He then placed the tea cup above the empty cup and then handed it to her.

“Is it okay now?”

Maya nodded her head. She then went near the edge of the shelter and seeing the drizzling rain she sipped it.

Varun saw her lips which was just like the sliced apple and saw the way her hands holding the cup and her eyes were gazed on the nature. Maya turned to see him so he immediately turned his head and saw the rain and pretended to be casual. Maya then stretched her hands and floated them in air playing with the rain droplets. He repeated the same many times. He thought,” My God! I just can’t take my eyes off her.”