Eight letters - Page 322/498

Maya came out after sometime and ate her dinner. Everyone saw her eyes and they were unable to find any signs which showed whether she cried or not. She ate fast than usual which indicated to everyone that she was still angry and had not shed any drops of tears.

Shiva then asked,” Maya, What happened? Share it with us. Why are you looking so angry?”

Maya didn’t respond to him but completed her dinner and cleaned her plate, placed it in its place and she said,” I have to go early to office tomorrow. So Good night.”

Adithya and Shiva blocked her way and asked her directly looking at her eyes,” Maya did he misbehave with you?”

Maya gave them an angry look and said,” No. He did something bigger than that. Just leave me my way.”

Shiva then asked,” What he did which was bigger than that?”

Maya raised her voice and said,” He just burnt me alive. Is that enough?” saying it she went to her room banged it and locked from inside. Maya then slept but it was not a peaceful sleep for her. She twisted and turned while her mind was lingering only one question,” Did Varun really do this? I didn’t except it. How can he do this? Did I misjudge or fell in his trap?”