Eight letters - Page 36/498

When Varun was sitting there confused he was able to hear someone mobile ringing. Adithya took his mobile out and saw the number. He then saw Aishwerya who was looking at him who gestured to him,”Who was it?”

Adithya understood her gesture so he replied her,” I guess it must be that guy’s parents calling me. They asked me to send horoscope yesterday and I did. So it must be regarding that I guess” saying it he attended the call.

Varun heard him so he was now keen to know what will happen next. Adithya spoke.”Hello.”

Varun couldn’t hear what and who was speaking the other side. So he focused on Adithya response as he can assume what the person on other side might be talking.

Adithya continued,”Namaskaram Mami (Greeting a Brahmin lady).”

Varun was now sure that it must be his mom who was speaking on the other side. He couldn’t hear any other dialogue Adithya spoke so he moved back to have a clear vision of him so that he can know whether he was still on call or not. Without a surprise Adithya was still on call. He was just listening to the other person speak and nodding his head and later he told about the details of him and family which already Varun heard from his mother. At last Adithya saw him hung up the phone.