Eight letters - Page 360/498

Vasuki thought,” So now he is afraid thinking that she might say NO. Okay let me tell OKAY to him now. I will speak with Maya in this week and make things to proceed also will plan something so that I make him realize that I am his mom. Just see how he is maintaining his act.”

Vasuki then said,” Yes. What you are saying is right. I will ask your dad to speak to them once you are back.”

Varun then smiled and said,” So mom, Are you still angry at me? At least now smile ma. Well where is paatti?”

Vasuki smiled at him and said,” Ma, Has gone for her general checkup and your cousins have accompanied her. So they said that they all will stay in your periyappa home and come tomorrow. So your paatti will be there today. Okay refresh yourself and come to eat.”

Varun then refreshed himself up and came to eat. He then went to his room and started to pack his things. He then checked his mobile to see if Maya had read his message or not. He saw that she hadn’t read it. He thought, “This girl is too stubborn. Big Rock.”

On the other hand Maya while going with Shiva, Shiva had seen Varun so he asked,” Why did atthimber came with you?”