Eight letters - Page 367/498

It was 10 a.m but still Maya was sitting in the fountain area waiting for Varun. Maya then thought,” Let me call him. I don’t have Data pack to message him. I must put that once I go to my place.”

Maya then took her mobile which she had placed aside in her left hand and unlocked it. While she clicked on contacts her mobile rang. She saw that she was receiving a call from an unknown number. She thought,” Since there is no Net pack even True caller is not working. Let me attend it.”

She attended the call and said,” Hello.”

“Hello. Is it Maya?”

“Yes speaking. May I know who this is?”

“Maya, this is Vasuki here, Varun’s mother.”

“Oh! Namaskaram ma! Sorry I didn’t know. How are you ma?”

“I am fine dear. How are you?”

“I am fine ma.”

“Maya, I heard about your love from paatti. I also got to know that there is some misunderstanding between you and him right now.”

“Nothing like that ma. We will sort it out soon. Even I was waiting for him only to speak about it.”

“Dear, didn’t he inform you that he will be going to Mumbai for a week?”

“He didn’t call me, ma. May be he would have WhatsApp me but I didn’t have net pack so I didn’t check it. He must have informed me for sure.”