Eight letters - Page 374/498

“Go ahead.”

“I heard that Varun had cheated you. Also heard that he had planned everything out. Just like you call him ANALYZER, he proved that to you itself right. Didn’t I warn you that he is a womanizer? But what you did? You chose him over me and now see just like how he calls you BIG ROCK, you are looking like that now. Look Maya, now also I am ready to accept you. Better think and decide.”

Vivek saw that Yuvaraj was speaking with Maya so he stayed away a two steps back from where he can hear what they can speak. When he heard Yuvaraj speaking nonsense about Varun he wanted to go and pull a fight with him but he maintained patience as he thought, “Let me hear Maya out then give a fitting reply to him.”

Maya spoke up, “Are you done or you still have more?”

“No, I am done.”

She then said in a sarcastic tone, “Good for you (Another meaning Go F*** yourself). Leave my way now” saying it she tried to move but Yuvaraj again blocked her.

Vivek heard her comment so he smiled also thought,” That is Maya. So she still loves Varun. Now I can convince her easily.”

She saw him and shouted,” What now?”