Crossing the Mirage:Passing Through Youth - Page 1/134

Crossing the Mirage -

Passing through Youth

BS Murthy

Crossing the Mirage (Revised edition)

ISBN 81-901911-8-7

Copyright © 2005 BS Murthy

Cover design by GDC creative advertising (p) ltd., Hyderabad –500 080.

Self Imprint,

F-9, Nandini Mansion,

1-10-234, Ashok Nagar,

Hyderabad – 500 020

Dedicated to Kanna, whom I could help in crossing the mirage of her mind.

Sign Posts to Cross

1.Shackles on Psyche

2.End of the Tether

3.Burden of Freedom

4.Onto the Turf

5.Respite by Death

6.Lessons of Life

7.Naivety of Love

8.Dilemma of Disclosure

9.Perils of Youth

10.Absurd Proposal

11.Crossing the Mirage

12.Setting the Pace

13.Oasis of Bliss

14.Busy bees in Honeycomb

15.Twist in the Tale

16.Love in the Bind

17.Turn for the Worse

18.Shadows to the Fore

19.Spurring to Err

20.Tempting the Fate

21.Stooping to Conquer

22.Fouling the Soul

23.Poetic Justice

24.Agony of Penitence

25.Embrace of Love

26.Life of a Kind

27.Just deserts?

Other books by BS Murthy-

Benign Flame – Saga of Love

Jewel-less Crown - Saga of Life

Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel

Prey on the Prowl - A Crime Novel

Stories Varied – A Book of short stories

Onto the Stage – Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays

Puppets of Faith: Theory of Communal Strife

Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self -help (A translation in verse)

Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman’s Odyssey (A translation in verse)