Infinite Hate Undying Love - Page 24/25

She was looking into the distant forests through the window on her side while lying leisurely on the queen sized bed. The conversation from before floated into her mind.

She was very much in tension before, regarding her family. But now, she was a little relieved. Even though she didn't have her full trust in this Lord, Lady or Ares; but still their eyes shone with conviction when they swore that they would protect her family. She felt like she could trust them regarding this. Other than that she was not sure about how sincere they were.

She sighed heavily. Why was her life so complicated?

The cool breeze of the night relaxed her a little. Forgetting about her sorrows for a while, she stood up and sat on the window sill. It was a serene atmosphere.

But her calmness was short lived. The leaves rustled, the breeze gushed. She could sense the tension of her surrounding. And then she sensed warm breaths on her shoulder. Someone was behind her!

But before she could turn around to take a look at her intruder, he held both her hands pinning her to the wall beside the window. She struggled to get out of his grasp, but the more she struggled, the more tightly he held her.

"Shhhh! ", he whispered in her ear. His hot breath gave her goosebumps. She stilled for a moment.

" Good girl, dear. It's good for you to be obedient", he whispered again.

This time she recognized her assailant.

"Lares? ", she spoke. "What are you doing here at this hour? And don't touch me goddammit! I'll scream and call everyone and you will be punished" she struggled against him.

"Oh! Will you now? " he turned her around and pinned her hands above her. His body cornered hers.

"But to do that you will have to open your mouth" he stated matter of factly.

Just as she was about to retort back his mouth came down on her. His lips ferociously assaulted hers trying to invade her. But she refused to open her mouth. She clamped her lips shut. But he would not lose. He bit her lips hard and as she opened her mouth to cry in pain, his tongue invaded her mouth. At first it explored every section of her mouth. She bit his tongue back but he would not budge. As she released his tongue, his teeth bit her lips again. He smothered her until her last breath taking away every bit of her. Just as she was about to pass out, he released her.